Combatendo a desinformação que ameaça a segurança

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Abstract: Disinformation is a known issue that can be “weaponised” by malicious actors to sway opinions during key events (e.g. elections, wars, etc.). Although a significant amount of NLP research has been developed for supporting journalists in debunking false narratives, other sectors like police authorities are not well equipped to deal with disinformation. Disinformation that can cause harm to security is a growing issue, where the police need to deal with events prompted and amplified by false narratives. In this talk, I will talk about our work at the VIGILANT project (, that aims to develop tools and training materials to support police officers in dealing with false narratives that can, for instance, cause civil unrest.

Bio: Carolina Scarton is a Senior Lecturer in Natural Language Processing at the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK. She is a member of the Natural Language Processing group and part of the GATE team and her research interests include online disinformation analysis, machine translation, text simplification, NLP evaluation, and multilingual and multimodal NLP applications. In 2017, she was awarded a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Sheffield, funded by the EXPERT project (a Marie Curie ITN network). She also has a MSc and a BSc degree from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr Scarton is the Sheffield PI of two research projects on the area of disinformation analysis (EDMO Ireland, funded by the European Commission and HORIZON EU VIGILANT, funded by Innovate UK) and acts as a CO-I for one project in disinformation analysis (HORIZON EU, funded by Innovate UK) and one project in idiomaticity processing (funded EPSRC). She is also the Scientific Coordinator for the VIGILANT project and the secretary for the European Association for Machine Translation.


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